Ramsgate Marina Pool -1935 – Landmarking History in Thanet
Ramsgate Marina Pool above. Private postcard collection. Paragos series Margate. AGJ
Ramsgate Marina Pool was one of the biggest attractions in Thanet.

The Opening Ceremony of the fine Marina Pool. The Opening Ceremony of the fine Ramsgate Marina Pool. Thanet Advertiser 1935. Thanet Heritage. 1994 enlarge +
The holiday weekends heaved.

Ramsgate Marina Pool 1935 The Kentish Express. Thanet Heritage Services Margate Library. Penny Ward. H.O 1994. Will enlarge +
“Tomorrow 21st July 1935 will see another landmark in the history of Ramsgate. It is the official opening of the Marina Bathing Pool and Cafes by His Worship the Mayor Alderman Dye.”
The Mayors opening words were the signal for a mass plunge into the pool. Members of the Ramsgate Swimming Club and the Royal Air Force Swimming Club from Manston Camp dived in.
A Mannequin Parade of Bathing Beauties in alluring swim suits took place. An exhibition of high diving thrilled the crowds from the superb diving platform.
There was an opulent cafe overlooking the bathing and boating pools. it was built in an attractive style. A car park was under the cafe which would take at least 50 cars.

Ramsgate Marina Bathing Pool Trophy.Ramsgate Marina Bathing Pool Trophy. Margate Library. Thanet Advertiser. Thanet Heritage 1994. enlarge +
A Marina Swimming Challenge Trophy was awarded annually.

Many Bather enjoying the lovely pool just below the cliffs in Ramsgate. 1935. Original image – Heritage Services, Margate Library 1994. enlarge +

The Marina Pool under the Ramsgate cliffs – private postcard collection agj .The Marina Pool Ramsgate (Image by Valentine’s Printers Dundee)
The pool was marked off in various depths. It had circular rafts for sunbathing.
The Construction of the Ramsgate Marina Pool
This image shows the Pool during construction. It was taken July 1st 1935 and it was opened 20 days later!The old Marina Bathing Station had 70 odd wooden bathing huts and a Swimming Club Hut. These were demolished to make way for a new promenade and dressing accomodation for the pool.

Aerial view showing the boating pool at the bottom end of the Complex. Private postcard collection agj
The entire complex comprised a boating pool at the lower end. The other end had a recreational dancing/roller skating rink. There was car parking under the cafe.
Floodlit bathing played a major part in relaxation swimming. The Bathing Pool during holiday weekends, had easily 5000 passing through the turnstiles. Water Polo matches were frequent. There were many spectacular displays of swimming and diving. In fact there was a date in September when the famous US diver Pete Desjardins was flown over specially to give a display.
Two perspectives – The Lido lived on for 50 years. Sadly it sucombed to the same threats as most lidos at the time. This was down to the climate change and weather conditions. Package holidays abroad where the sunshine was guaranteed, all took its toll on patronage.
I believe also there was a problem with the draining of the pool that caused possible exacerbation of its demise. With bathers dwindling it eventually was abandoned and left to decay. It became an eyesore and local businessman Mr John Bates filled in the site. He applied white paint to the surrounds in attempt to smarten up what was left of the pool. Eventually it was totally demolished
The road leads to the car park and is presumably at the level of the former entrance. The road possibly being what was the roof of the former restaurant and the dancing and roller skating area?

Car 2012 – reached by a the road presumably the level of the former entrance and recreational roof of the former restaurant.
It was very nostalgic wandering over the site. I could hear the splashing, shouting and excitement all around.
A bit late now
But my father worked nights at the pool attending the water filter pumps , sometimes as a boy I would be with him
Thank you Dan. The wrecking ball was always too close to hand wasn’t it. If only internet had been so widely used in those days. Think of all the campaigns and excitement trying to save these lovely pools. Anne
A lovely read & beautifully researched, though the closure of the Marina Swimming Pool had absolutely nothing to do with “Climate Change”.
Concrete Cancer as it is commonly known, caused problems with the water filter system. I also recall some structural damage too leading the closure. This along with the start of cheap package holidays led to its permanent closure.
If only Ramsgate Council had the imagination to restore the Marina Pool. Once the pool closed, then the lift demolished killing off the remaining attractions. Nero’s suffered and succumbed to the wrecking ball.
Hi James,
Thank you for your comment. The water was filtered salt water from the sea. It was a lovely lido. I wished I had experienced it. Difficult to now imagine that once it lay beneath the cliffs. Anne
I have been looking at the photos of Ramsgate swimming pool. My wife remembers going dancing there. Do you know if the pool was sea water? Such a pity it was lost.