Slough Montem Lido 1934 – a kiddies paradise.
Above is the old Montem Lido
Slough Montem Lido would be a “seaside rendezvous” for hundreds of children and save the long journeys to Windsor.
Slough – Montem Lido August 1934. A Kiddies Paradise! judging by the enthusiasm displayed by the youthful bathers at the opening of the Montem Lido. Constructed on the Montem Pleasure ground.
Slough Montem Lido saw the Chairman of the Council Cllr F.R Whiteman and Chairman of the Parks Committee Cllr A. G. Trevenore oversee the opening – hundreds of bathers took their first plunge.
Some people might have grumbled at the cost of turning a very cold spring fed original paddling pool into a swimming pool , but they were reminded that they must not overlook the fact that it provided 25 men 6 months work.
“Stanla” wrote a special poem in honour of “The Lido” and he called the related Lido “Chalvey Lido” (Chalvey is a very small village now a suburb of Slough)
“The great event has happened, they’ve opened up the Pool and it’s a topping little spot though the water rather cool.
But credits due to everyone who converted such a hole, and don’t forget the chaps who did it were taken off the dole.
I went to see the opening, twas a pretty little sight with the bubbling spring encircled with bunting gay and bright.
And when the Councillors arrived to add enchantment to the view, A photograph was taken with the Bathers turning blue.
The Chairman made a natty speech which was audible to all, whilst the children still stood round the bank awaiting for the call…
To plunge into the briny, no bathers could be keener, but we had to grin and bear a speech from Councillor Trevener.
Who tried to make us fully clear on temperatures and springs, and where the water came from and many other things.
But I don’t think many heard him for the youngsters made a din, and still were shivering on the bank awaiting to jump in.
And when at last the Chairman the Opening did declare, a mighty splash took place from almost every kiddy there.
And parents were delighted to see their youngsters splash about, and everyone seemed full of praise of how the work was carried out.
I know its christened “Montem” but then what’s in a name, though its sylvan embankments would put many a pool to shame.
But there I’ll take my country walks accompanied by “Fido” and as long as I’m about here ’twill be called the “Chalvey Lido”
School House – Chalvey.
BUT…WHAT’s HAPPENED TO The key shaped unheated pool is unrecognisable.
The bulldozers came to the Slough Montem Lido in during 1964. The surrounding scenes and customs had changed over the last 30 years.

Demolition of the Old Pool to make way for a State of the Art Lido in Baylis Park half a mile away in 1964
The old Slough Montem pool was to be demolished and make way for a state of the art lido with… international facilities, twice as large and rectangular in shape to be built in Baylis Park half a mile away. Either end would have a shallow end with a central deeper basin and diving pit of 12ft 6″ in depth. Diving facilities meeting the current specifications at the time.

The building of the new pool in Baylis Park just half a mile away. This was taken just 4 months after the Lido had been set back by inclement weather.
…The Baylis Lido 1965 in Baylis Park continues on another post here.
Via Contact Form
Hello . Re. your article on Montem Lido / Baylis Lido . These are two separate places and one did not supercede the other . Montem was built in the 1930s as a swimming pool and later after WW2 became a boating lake . Baylis Lido is at least a half a mile away and was part of the Baylis hotel . It was open to the public in the early 50sand was just known as Baylis Pool , I know this as I lived nearby and used it quite a bit . I think Slough Council took over the running of it in the very early 60s when it was re-named as Baylis Lido . They were always two separate concerns . In the 50s and 60s we used Baylis for swimming and Montem for the boating lake .
Anne: Thank you Edward…I have tried to make it a little clearer now.