Gorleston Lido – 1939. The site of the old beach gardens
Gorleston Lido and Floral Hall above – Private Postcard Collection AGJ
Gorleston Lido. Beach Gardens to swimming pool
The old beach gardens were a truly wonderful centre for relaxation and enjoyment then… they became a watery haven…a LIDO!
Gorleston Lido saw 2000 people flock to the Floral Hall for the Opening Ceremony by Cartoonist Tom Webster.
Following the proceedings, everyone gathered around the swimming pool to watch a swimming exhibition by the “Johnson Girls” under the direction of Mrs Blake, and a diving demonstration was given by members of “The Lads” Club. Other displays were given by Elsie and William Deane. To round off the day, 500 people danced the night away to the Bert Galey orchestra […]
Read more…Dene’s Pool Lowestoft
The Lido, filled with luxurious heated sea water was unusually lined with green tiling and was 150 ft long by 48 ft wide. The depth of the pool varied from 3 ft 6ins to 9ft 6ins. Five diving boards were installed to “Board of Trade Regulated Pattern.” Bathers enjoyed romantic, floodlit bathing, and during the day they were able to swim and sunbathe on the grassy areas midst the bright and colourful flower beds. At a later date rambling roses grew to adorn and disguise the cubicles emitting sweetness into the air.
An added bonus were the attractions held in the domed Floral Hall. Apart from being of striking design, the two flights of stairs led hundreds of people to sit, sunbathe, enjoy panoramic views of the sea and river, and be sheltered from the wind. Mural designs looked in place beneath the tinted glass domed roof. At night the balconies were softly illuminated and one had the impression of being on deck of a luxury liner.
Inside there were schemes of blue, pink, pale green, brown and black that complemented the circular 80 ft maple dance floor which allowed 500 people to session the afternoons and evenings away in comfort to the music of the Bert Galey Orchestra with Gala evenings held once a week.

The Lido and Hall just left above centre. Courtesy of Suffolk Local History Dept. 1996 – Kerry Meal
Tea and evening meals were served on the raised balconies surrounding the dance floor. Many other bands performed and concert parties were held.
OUTCOME: The Lido lay derelict for 3 years and was finally bulldozed away in 1993. The wonderful memories will remain, including the magical first meeting with partners to last forever! A “faded memory”
At the time of demolition, council members were planning to return the site back to ornamental gardens prior to the days of …The Lido. Picture shows as it is now with the Ocean Rooms on the site of the Floral Hall

The site of the Lido. Also the site of the Floral Hall. Google screenshot
It was a very special lido.
Thank you for this. Anne
this is a double entry caused by the county border changes Suffolk / Norfolk
Gorlesden Lido Lowerstoft
Gorleston Lido Great Yarmouth