Reminiscences and comments. Always happy to hear from you
Reminiscences – Picture above – Blackpool South” Shore Swimming Coliseum. Blackpool District Central Library. E.G 25/02/83
I’m always happy to hear from you. (anne@jessel.me.uk)
Reminiscences of Jam sandwiches and water laden woolly bathing trunks. Stealing a swim when the pool was closed, hot Bovril and “Cow and Gate” to warm you up….
I would love to hear from you
Anyone pin point the Lido with the little cherubs above?. Expand+
More like this please!
Received wonderful information on Scarbrook Road Baths in Croydon from a member of Lost Lidos.
Write to me here! I’ll add your story and memoir
Scroll down to other persons stories, queries and… ‘remembering’…below
Thank you for your enquiry. Internet search shows a few pictures. Access mainly through Facebook
From: Mick
Subject: The Hyde pool
Message Body:
Hi, do you have any info on the Hyde pool? West Hendon/Colindale.
Anne: Mick. Can anyone help Mick? An Internet search shows a few pictures. Access mainly through facebook. Does anyone have any particular memories of the pool?
Thank you Louise. Anne
Subject: West Wing Open Air Swimming Pool Leatherhead Surrey
Message Body:
Does anyone have any photos of leatherhead open air pool called west wing please? It is mentioned on my index of Lido Search, and if scrolling down there is a comments or two.
Hi there is one, I know of that isn’t on your list. It was called Priory Park lido,in Reigate.it was just north of the current splash park.
Anne: Thank you Andrew,
I have found a little of the history. Thank you for drawing attention to this story.
Editor Anne: Lovely pictures here of the once swimming pool site
I wish the campaigners well. Thank you Michelle for the interesting information.
You will also find your comment in Search Hub comment boxes with links to pictures
Hi Anne
Have you got Eastville Park down as another name? I’ve searched my very long list and I can’t see it with another name.
Here’s the link to their Facebook page…
It looks a bit of a wreck at the moment and seems to have been a garden for many years but there seems to be some momentum to create a new lido if not to re-open the old one.
Regards Michelle
Editor Anne: Picture of the Old Pool here
I discovered these old colour pics of my late gran and her sister at an outdoor swimming pool in an album of a holiday to Morecambe in 1963. I believe it was at the Morecambe super swimming stadium having done a bit of exploring of pics on Google.
My late Grandad was a keen photographer and had a decent colour camera so it’s great to see the vibrant colours !
I thought you might like to see these,
Best Lisa
Lisa’s Gran at Morecambe
My mum swam in George Bains Aqua Shows at the lido pool in Great Yarmouth, she told me that on one occasion a tv crew filmed the show, I was wondering if anyone knows about any footage that may have survived? This was in 1961.Any info. would be most appreciated. Thank you
From Anne:
How very interesting. I have had a quick search just now and googled…
‘george baines aqua shows great yarmouth’
There is quite a lot of info and many many photographs. Your Mum very likely will be in these.
I find your information very engaging!
Thank you for contacting.
Best wishes
Hi Anne,
I wrote to you today regarding the Wells LIDO. Here are some pictures of the grounds and one of the actual pool but im sure l can find some more.
Well done for your good work keeping memories alive!
All the best,
Louise Seviour
Hi Louise , thank you for your comment. I would love some pictures of Wells Outdoor Pool. I have searched internet but difficult to find any. Its lovely to find all these pools that once were and such a shame they are of the past now. I appreciate you writing to me. Again, thank you.
Dear Anne,
I live in Spain now but in the 70s and 80s l lived with my family in the Bath area and we frequently visited the open air pool at Wells, l sadly remember is closing at the end of the eighties, my parents were keen amateur photographers and always took snaps where ever we went. Im sure we can find some interesting photos if you are interested. Kind regards, Louise
Dear Anne,
Back in the 1980’s when I was at primary school, there used to be an outdoor pool in Wells, Somerset.
Now there is a Tesco store and car park on the site.
I have fondest memories of the pool, where in fact I learnt to swim during special school swimming lessons. I remember vividly the fallen leaves upon the old and broken but natural paving stones.
To a 7 year old boy it felt somewhat Roman in architecture. The whiteness of the floors and even I remember low white walls separating little outcrops of floor levels where people could sit under the overhanging trees.
I cannot however FIND ANY Photos or even ANY WEB Articles about this lost open air pool.
I wish very much to see it again, at least in a photo, with the leaves and Romanesque atmosphere.
Please let me know if you have heard of it or if you would be willing to investigate any remaining unearthed photos.
Your website is fantastic and a wonderful resurrection of those great true times of nostalgia.
Many thanks and sincerely,
Simon Edward Jepps
Anne: Thank you Simon. I found the possible site – Tucker Street? I may be wrong. Have sent a couple of images to you. Regrettably, so far no pictures of pool or information.
Local newspapers may have articles on the closing, or even Tesco ? There is mention of a Baths on Milton Lane in ‘Hung out to Dry’ with a cartoon picture of bathers but no info.
Your info is very interesting, and maybe visitors here could help.
Hi Anne,
Thanks for responding!
Yes it would seem Tucker Street could be the postal address location with an entrance along that road, but I implicitly remember queuing up and entering the complex via Princes Road. So maybe two entrances?
Tesco likewise has two entrances, one for pedestrians on Princes Road and another for cars on Tucker Street. Perhaps the pool had the same kind of system.
I never went there by car, we all walked together from St Joseph & Theresa School, all in a uniform line, along some old hidden passageways about the city which still exist today.
Thank you so much for placing my query publicly on your website.
I wish you all the best,
Many good wishes and regards,
Simon Edward Jepps
Hi Anne, we used to have a lido close to us as kids that closed in the 1980s, couldn’t find it in your list, it was Martin’s Grove pool in Barnehurst/Bexley, loved it there!
It was in Martin’s/Martens Grove Park, DA76BB, spent all summers in there as a kid!
Anne: Thank you Clive! Do people have recollection of this pool. I believe it was an ornamental lake before turning into a swimming pool?
Hi there,
For decades I have been trying to find photos of what we used to call “The Sprays” when I was a child, situated on Castle Green in Dagenham, in front of the then new Legoland tower blocks. From memory the central feature was a slope with spray jets either side, then steps down the other side. Underneath were various “tunnels” (great for rain shelter) and around the perimeter a variable depth water channel that you could wade through. I really am very keen to find some images. Kind regards Mat
Hi Anne,
I can’t find any reference to it so would appreciate your help.
Any idea?
with kind regards
Anne: Thank you Sue for this

Yes…the Amateur Diving Association was formed in 1901 and disbanded in 1935 and became part of the Amateur Swimming Association and has remained so ever since.
I have attached the medal that I think you may have. And yes, it does look like a Cormorant. I shall quiz my visitors to my Lost Lidos Site.
I shall add this quote in answer to your comment:
‘Diving as a competitive sport was introduced into Britain during the 1890’s and the sport was popularised by its inclusion in the 1904 and 1908 Summer Olympics. The Amateur Diving Association (ADA) was established in 1901 as the sport’s coordinating body within England and who also organised competitions at national and local levels. The ADA was wound up in 1935 when it merged with the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).
This medal features the ADA’s crest that includes an image of a diving bird. Other pictures I’ve seen, seem to show a species of duck but does anyone know which one?’
Thank you Sue,
Do you agree that this may be a Cormorant?
Message from Tess Walker
Hi, I am working on a pile of old photos and came to this one.The family have links in Beverley, Yorkshire and East End London – but I can’t find this location on either place. Or they just could have been on holiday
Do you know where it is? Do you want the photo for your collection?
Yes please Tess!
Hi Anne,
Take it for your site and see if anyone can place it. It’s taken in the 1940s so may not exist anymore.
Was the stonework pillar a water aeration column and so had a waterfall down the stone, or are the opaque blocks at the top lighting? If there’s a positive i.d. I’d like to know, then I can donate it to the nearest archive
Good luck Tess
Can anyone recognise this pool. And… What is the structure?! Any guess’s?
The Sugar bowl and Galleon pool are long gone. West Hill was my favourite and remember the indoor space with the jukebox and slot machines and the tea bar. Mum would patiently sit in the green space with a cup of tea, book and a cigarette! The Top Deck pool top of Box Hill was good too and I also remember a small one at Shere – happy times.
Anne M
On Sunday, 29 March 2020, 21:25:18 BST, AGJ wrote:
Anne M from Anne Green Jessel….
I found this reference on this Url
Apparently next to a piggery???
Extract quote…
“I remember the West Hill pool well, it also had a small covered area with a juke box and coffee bar. A very well sprung floor as I recall, excellent for jiving!! I was back in Epsom a few weeks ago and disappointed to be told that the West Hill pool was gone. I lived in Nork from 1950 until 1982 when I moved to South Wales. I think I remember Neil, a previous contributor to this page, if it is the same person he lived next door but one to me.”
Thought it may be of interest. It talks also of the Galleon Pool and Sugar Bowl pool
Anne J
—– Original Message —–
From: anne mercer
To: anne@so-dive-in.co.uk
Sent: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 21:04:30 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Finding Lidos – Dive into Lost Lidos “West Hill Open air pool Epsom, Surrey”
From: anne mercer
Subject: West Hill Open air pool Epsom, Surrey
Message Body:
spent a lot of time here in the 50’s during the summer holidays – entrance was down a pathway at side of a pub and near a glass works. can’t find any reference to it now
Hi Anne,
I’ve just noticed your fascinating website regarding lost Lidos in the UK. I recently found an amateur collection of 8mm home movie films (dating from the 1930s/1940s) which feature some of these. I’ve just listed them on ebay. Here’s the link:
1930s/1940s WORLD WAR 2 UK LIDOS SWIMMING POOLS 8mm Film Surbiton Lagoon ETC | eBay
1930s/1940s WORLD WAR 2 UK LIDOS SWIMMING POOLS 8mm Film Surbiton Lagoon…
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1930s/1940s WORLD WAR 2 UK LIDOS SWIMMING POOLS 8m…
Many thanks for your message. Glad the Lido films are of interest! The footage is very well shot and reveals a fascinating glimpse of British social history at that time (it’s fun to see well dressed waiter service alongside some of the pools!). There isn’t a lot of footage of Surbiton Lagoon, but what there is is very good and the Kodachrome colour on that particular reel is excellent (especially for a film over 75 years old).
Mulfulira. Swimming in the Colonies. “I enjoy outdoor swimming too. And I like your website. It spurred me to search for pictures of pools I grew up in. In central Africa. e.g., in Mufulira in the 1950s the lido was a classic. Have you thought of some exploration overseas. How about this: https://www.revolvy.com/page/Mufulira-Garden-Party-Late-50s?stype=videos&cmd=list&sml=kPzYHogXZ0c&cr=1
Thank you mr Bill Kocher for your pictures of Harlesden Swimming Pool. Now up on the page.
Received via email: Hi
This is going to sound stupid but I never realised that this was destroyed to make way for the ugly modern building and car park. I also didn’t realise I remembered swimming there as a child until seeing an old photo sparked memories. I remember it as such a beautiful, lovely place that I feel pretty upset to finally understand what happened. I can’t find anything explaining why this little jewel was abandoned and then destroyed. Why didn’t anyone fight for it? If you know anything I would love to know – or rather, I’m sure it will depress me even more but somehow I feel the need to know.
From Anne: if anyone knows any details please let us know.
I’m bringing this up to the forfront as there was a search on Sunbury. Can anyone add.
A Sunbury Lido Picuture
Via email
Particularly PURLEY and DANSON PARK. My wife used Scarbrook Hill Croydon in 40/50s.
Regards Mike Draper
Hi Anne
I stumbled across your site this morning and was saddened to read about Oliver Merrington. I met him at a conference in London in the 1990s. I knew that his website was no longer being maintained, but assumed he was doing other things.
I enjoyed reading various articles that you have posted and know about a number of the pools myself, as I have been researching and photographically documenting them since 1982 with the aim of producing a photographic book.
This year I finally managed to self publish my first photographic book – Bathurst Bathing Belles, which is a documentary study about 14 ladies that swim at Bathurst Pool in Lydney, Gloucestershire. I have been photographing, swimming and volunteering there since 1992 and conceived the idea and undertook the project in 2015. This book has kick started my main project again and I hope to bring the images and research together as a book soon.
In case you are interested in Bathurst Bathing Belles the book and exhibitions, I can be contacted at via the Facebook page: – Bathurst Bathing Belles – Ladies That Swim (@BathurstBathingBelles). I have a solo show starting in September, with a Private View – if you are interested, I can send you an invitation.
I am also looking for swimming memorabilia- costumes, goggles, hats, photos etc to display in two lockable glass cabinets at the exhibition space I have in September and wondered if you may have any links?
Thank you.
Kind regards
Amanda Harwood
Editor Anne: This sounds great!
I found a photo of The Old Widnes Swimming Baths that were on Waterloo Road West Bank Widnes, the bath itself was an old disused Cholrine Tank that the Ici had no longer any use for, and gave to the people of Widnes to use as swimming pool for free
Really pleased to have chanced on your website, but disappointed that there is no mention of my childhood haunt, once said to be the biggest outdoor pool in the country, Cleethorpes Bathing Pool. Is this something you could rectify? Also my current holiday venue Hunstanton, which once had a somewhat smaller but equally well-loved outdoor pool.
Anne: Thank you Mary. I have found a lovely article on Cleethorpes Lido (copyright)
Also a picture on Hunstanton Lido
I have added them to the List on Pooling Lidos
I can tell how nostalgic you are, and found the photo of you mourning a scene of dereliction and destruction quite moving.
I’m just the same – always very moved to see anything old (especially Victorian/Edwardian) being destroyed. In particular railways, schools, public buildings, houses, pumping stations, mills, factories etc.
But the least we can do is document what was for future generations.
Very interested to read your short article about Croydon Baths. I was a weekly visitor to the baths throughout the 1960s.
By that time, the outdoor pool had been closed for some time, but we could peer through a crack between the locked double doors from the foyer, and see the derelict facility.
I recall that the pool lining tiles were white, but it was being used as a rubbish dump – sadly.
I think I have heard about men only, but not outdoors from 1969! My Father may have used it during his youth.
Also read somewhere that it was irregular in shape, and have come across an aerial photo (1938) from “Britain from Above” (ref EPW056623) which includes the baths lower right. I think it very much bears that out.
Forgot to mention also. If you look on the above website, “Britain from Above” there are some excellent aerial photos also of Purley Way pool.
Something less famous was the MOUNTAIN POOL (or pools) in Whyteleafe Surrey. I think they closed at start of WW2 and never reopened. They have subsequently been redeveloped as offices, factory or retail. Has anyone heard of this pool/s
I do however have very happy memories of Purley Way, which I went to several times in 1970 (13 at time – that dates me!). Never managed to get to the bottom of the 15′ diving pool, or the top of the diving board. But a lovely day out for us adolescents on a hot summers day. Shame society and values have moved “on” since those innocent days!
Malcolm S
Keep up the good research work.
Anne: Thank you Malcolm and for kindly allowing me to use your bought licensed picture of the Scarbrook Road Baths Croydon. This is proudly placed on the actual post
I am amazed that Skegness (NOT the one at Butlins) doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywahere on this lovely site. I just spent about 45 minutes on a huge write up about Skegness swimming pool for you (built in 1932 – no longer with us). Unfortunately something went wrong and it didn’t post. I don’t have time to write it again today. Photos seem to be very scarce when I have searched. Usually it’s images of the Bytlins pool or the modern replacement but I did find these two photos. http://images-02.delcampe-static.net/img_large/auction/000/370/763/494_001.jpg
It really was a magnificent pool (110 yards long – just 16 lengths to a mile). I would love to hear other people’s memories of it.
Anne: Thankyou very much for this Jo (Porter). I love Skegness but only knew of the Butlins pool. Thank you for your time and effort. Greatly appreciated and very interesting. WOW what a lido and what a shame it is lost. What stands there now. Oh it’s a great shame it was era of demise. It is amazing how today with the ease of Internet, thus ease of promotion, ease of collecting campaign groups together, how any lidos today lined up for the chop DO GET saved. Not all, but more than those born too early as most on my website. If you feel like having another go at telling us about the Lido please email me and I will publish your info.
There are 2 lost baths in widnes, the first one was on Waterloo Road West Bank Widnes, which ICI gave to widnes, and the baths that replaced it was on Kingsway widnes from 1963 to 1979.
Anne: Thank you for this info Anthony
Via email from Mr Steve Beauchampe
Greater Birmingham area
Lost Open Air Pools (including Lidos, Outdoor Pools)
Brookvale Park, Park Road, Erdington (7th October 1909-1926)
Bournville Lido, Oak Farm Road, Bournville (2nd July 1937-c1972 demolished c1976; 1977-1987, demolished 1997) now housing
Bournville Men’s Open Baths, Linden Road (1898-c1936/7) now the Settling Pool
Cannon Hill Park Bathing Pool – now: 0/10; then 7/10 (1st September 1873; reconstructed 15th June 1921-1938)
Dartmouth Park, Devonshire Drive, West Bromwich (1887-)
Keeper’s Pool Lido, Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield (June 30th 1887-1933; 1933-1961; 1961-March 2002) closed and demolished after fire, site now landscaped
Greswolde Lido/Pool – behind The Greswolde Hotel/Restaurant, High Street, Knowle, Solihull – now flats, (13th June 1936-cAug 1965)
Malvern Hall (or Park) Lido, Malvern Park, Solihull now 2/10, opened (c1944-c September 1982) now overgrown/derelict
Shirley Sports Lido and Swimming Pool, Sansome Road, Shirley – then 6/10; 8/10 (6th June 1936-1939) now offices
Small Heath Park Lido, Small Heath Park (aka Victoria Park) (9th July 1883; reconstructed 14th June 1922-1938)
Stechford Lido, Station Road, Stechford (August 8th 1964-1991) now Cascades leisure pool (covered)
West Heath Lido (The Bath Tub), Aldridge Road, West Heath (1st July 1937-1940)
Editors Note: I have added more information of some of these from Steve onto my individual lido pages.
Meanwhile a taster:
Small Heath Park Lido (Victoria Park)
“133ft/138ft x 72ft/85ft; 3ft 6in (or poss 4ft) at deep end. Oval in shape, was an extension of existing ornamental pool. (1.5m gallons of water per day. 14,621 visitors c1893). Reconstructed 1922 (£5,885)”
Stechford Cascades
“Stechford boasted four pools, amongst them the city’s last new public lido (located on right hand side of building in grounds landscaped by Jeffery Williams (Lawns) Ltd),. Lido (112ft x 54ft with children’s pool; 1ft 6in-5ft 6in) closed in 1991 (there’s still a lido café in the building as a reminder) and is now the covered Cascades Leisure Pool with 110m water slide, water falls, jets, bubble seats and spa pools. A sunbathing balcony, in place from time of building’s opening, later adjoined the lido. First mention of Lido at Baths Committee meeting on June 26th 1961 although it had been in the original proposals in 1955.”
Anne : Thank you Steven. This is wonderful information. Thank you your time, it is very much appreciated
via email I have enjoyed reading this site. Lidos are so much lovelier than the characterless modern indoor leisure centres. I remember going swimming as a young child at Sunbury on Thames open air pool (1935 to 1980). It gets a mention here: http://www.villagematters.co.uk/sunbury-matters/sunbury-matters-articles/2013/06/sunburys-islands
Anne: Thanks Helen. Very interesting. Sunbury looked a super pool. Sunbury as opposed to Sudbury on my site
What a great project. Can’t find any mention of the North Finchley pool I used to swim in aged 11 in 1947. Maybe it wasn’t a “Lido” – it was certainly a v.large open-air pool, though. Perhaps it is still there?
By chance I found your website when I went to search for an article I had seen on the BBC red button about an old pool.
Which resulted in a look at the old pools on the site, some really amazing pools that have been built and unfortunately bulldozed.
In East Lothian we had 3 outdoor pools, Dunbar, North Berwick and Cockenzie & Port Seton
I’ve actually done a website on the History of Cockenzie & Port Seton Pond, which was built in 1932 and closed in 1993.
Is this the sort of thing that you publish on your website ?
There 2 outdoor pools still open in Scotland
Stonehaven – http://www.stonehavenopenairpool.co.uk/history.html
Gourock – https://www.inverclydeleisure.com/enterprise/GourockPool
More info.
There is a short grainy video of Port Seton on my website
the wonders of the web, another hidden outdoor pool still open in scotland that I discovered last night
http://www.newcumnockpool.co.uk/, built in the 60s,
Dunbar was never heated and suffered from its location on the coast, well almost in the sea, the sea was often came over the wall
There is pictures on “Lost Dunbar” – http://www.lostdunbar.co.uk/outdoor-pool.html
and while searching for the pictures, some videos,
Dunbar 1965
Miss Dunbar
Never seen this one until this morning,
Dunbar was even on “It’s a knockout”
“short film called brr, about the open air swimming pool at dunbar east lothian”
Anne: Thank you Eric for this superb information. I hope readers will enjoy.
I have tagged your mention about Portobello Lido on the actual website page on Portobello
Re Carrington Lido
Hello Anne
I’m working on my web-site (I always get distracted) and was noseying around the net to see if I could find anything more about my local – I was born across the cemetery from it and spent every minute I could there. I’ve dug out the odd old Newspaper article as I subscribe to internet newspaper archives and there is a society locally that holds some information – but I’d like to make this into a better feature of my life.
Do you know of any interesting information, architectural, historical etc. that might help to expand what I already have?
Many thanks
Editor: Can anyone help Anna?
Hi Anne,
Spotted your super website by chance, and very impressed with what you have assembled
Here’s footage from Broomhill Pool in 1947, featuring British and European Champion high diver, Betty Slade, the Leon Markson Aquatics show.
The film also covers Edwin Mason’s family day out at the pool in 1947, and James Sharpe’s 2001 short film “The Pool” about Broomhill’s closure.
Interested parties or supporters can keep up with our campaign via our website, Facebook Page or Twitter.
All the best.
Thanks & regards,
Mark Ling
Chairman, The Broomhill Pool Trust
STOP PRESS: Broomhill has the light
Nice images
Twitter @broomhillpool
Via email A Plea from Thelma – Could you please tell me where I can obtain any information about Danson park lido at Welling during the years 1939 until 1946 for a project I am working on,also were there any other lidos in the area.
Thanking you for your attention
Thelma Wilkes
Anne: Thelma, I have some info. on Danson Park Lido on the website. Also have a glance into the categories section in the footer. You will see more in the location of London Area. Please let me know if any of my information is used. Thank you
via email Hi Anne I was having a great time looking through your website at some of the pools I used to swim at, but I couldn’t find were Mitcham Pool on London Road Mitcham and Wimbledon Pool.
I would appreciate anything including history and photos you may have on these pools.
Author: Can anyone help Ernie?
Via email – I was having a debate with someone about Minehead Lido which led me to your page.
As a child growing up in Watchet , it was a very rare treat for me to go to Minehead on the bus as neither of my parents used to drive.
My most memorable time of visiting the lido was in the very hot summer of 1976, as you can imagine it was packed to the rafters.
I was hoping to find out what year the Lido closed , on your page you say it closed in the late 80’s.
I have to disagree.
I used to be a pupil at Minehead upper school, my friends and I used to spend more time in the derelict Lido than we did at school.
It was the perfect den for skiving school, as it was hidden out of the way of the general public and more importantly the local constabulary .
We left school in 1981, so my guess is the pool shut down in the late 70’s.
I have very fond memories of the Lido for different reasons, such a shame it has gone.
Kind Regards.
Hank Webster.
Hi Anne.
Thank you for your reply.
After a bit more research, I found out that the Lido changed it’s name in the 80’s to Aquasplash, which I had never heard of, as I left Somerset in 1982.
So It looks like they built it up after the place laid derelict for a few years.
Aquasplash closed in 2008 and was later demolished in 2009.
All the best.
Anne: Can anyone join this debate?
via email Hello Anne
You will be aware from my occasional press releases, copied to you, that the Arthur Hill Memorial Baths in Reading has been abandoned by the local Council as “too expensive to run”. Our local community wants to have it re-opened, and we want to use all possible sources, local and national, to get help or funding.
I’m sure it’s a common story! From the goodness of your heart, could you send me a contact name and address of any similar pool that is going through the same process, so we can possibly get some guidance on the best strategy?
So far we have registered as a Community Interest Company, created a fighting fund of over £10,000 [obviously not enough rto run the pool on] and are urgently working up a business plan.
We look forward to hearing if you can point us in any useful direction, and thank you very much in advance. Philip Vaughan
Anne: Please can anyone advise Philip? All news updates on Post Page
via email I have just read with interest your entry on lostlidos.co.uk
I learned to swim in the Heene Road baths when I was a little lad at Heene Road Primary School, just up the road.
One comment and one additional fact if I may.
The baths are listed under the category ‘inland’. Is this correct, as the baths are mere yards from Worthing sea front?
It may be of interest that in 1984-5, when I worked for MGM Assurance who’s offices were built on the site of the baths (I have no idea if MGM are still there), I discovered that patt of the original pool with its original blue tiles still existed, forming part of MGM’s boiler room.
Ray Ellis Tonbridge, Kent
Anne: Thank you Ray. I have corrected the category.
Hello Anne, Just came across your website with story on our Baths, which we are fighting to continue despite Council’s imminent closure, announced – without any public consultation – for 18 December. I was the author of the 2011 Centenary Memoir which you quote extensively [no problems – glad it was useful to you!] and I’m now one of our Campaign committee. I shall keep you informed of progress in our campaign to defer the closure of the Baths or to ensure its survival otherwise – big steps forward are imminent.
Kind regards ~ Philip Vaughan
Please see post
I have added a list and special page for Lidos not included. These have been recently searched for on the Lost Lidos site. Your information or additional Lidos deserving a mention would be most welcome for others to share.
Who remembers the lovely aquatic shows at Bournemouth Baths?https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4NTAV_bournemouth-history-waterfront?guid=a1b38e02-fd96-4db7-beb8-422e482df7e2
Went down memory lane a month ago. Now an open air entertainment centre
Thought of you yesterday when I met a man whose father had given a high diving display at Rowheath lido about 60y ago.
Hi Jackie, Thanks for this. For those that may not know does OWS mean Open Water Swimmer?! A moving tribute and association with Ferndene Park Swimming Pool is http://www.rytonian.com/2015/02/09/the-loss-of-a-rytonian/
Hi Anne,
I’ve been an OWS for about 6 years now and have taken a keen interest in the work you’ve done tracking down list Lidos.
I live in Ryton which is a village/suburb of Gateshead & close to Newcastle. I’ve been here about 35 years & when I moved here there was a lido in Ferndene Park. I recall swimming there not long after my daughter was born – she’s 29 in July. At that time the lido was usually only open summer holidays & staff were sent from Blaydon pool, Gateshead 2 miles away. Not long after that the council closed the lido & later dismantled the buildings filling in the pool. It’s now grass.
Someone I knew told me she used to go in every day after school in the summer.
Now I’m swimming outdoors it’s such a shame – I live very close to the park.
I’ve looked on the internet and found an odd photo
Hope this helps as it would be nice to see it as included in your list.
I can tell how nostalgic you are, and found the photo of you mourning a scene of dereliction and destruction quite moving.
I’m just the same – always very moved to see anything old (especially Victorian/Edwardian) being destroyed. In particular railways, schools, public buildings, houses, pumping stations, mills, factories etc.
But the least we can do is document what was for future generations.
Malcolm S
Hi Malcolm
A bit of luck here. I have a Pathe Clip of the Mountain Pools. (Warlingham aka Whyteleafe) http://www.britishpathe.com/video/warlingham/query/Water+jockey+championships+at+the+Mountain+Pools+Warlingham+Surrey+Pan+across+outdoor+swimming+pool++lido+Shots+of+people+sunbathing+and+playing+in+the+
Very interested to read your short article about Croydon Baths. I was a weekly visitor to the baths throughout the 1960s.
By that time, the outdoor pool had been closed for some time, but we could peer through a crack between the locked double doors from the foyer, and see the derelict facility.
I recall that the pool lining tiles were white, but it was being used as a rubbish dump – sadly.
I think I have heard about men only, but not outdoors from 1969! My Father may have used it during his youth.
Also read somewhere that it was irregular in shape, and have come across an aerial photo (1938) from “Britain from Above” (ref EPW056623) which includes the baths lower right. I think it very much bears that out.
Forgot to mention also. If you look on the above website, “Britain from Above” there are some excellent aerial photos also of Purley Way pool.
Something less famous was the MOUNTAIN POOL (or pools) in Whyteleafe Surrey. I think they closed at start of WW2 and never reopened. They have subsequently been redeveloped as offices, factory or retail. Has anyone heard of this pool/s
I do however have very happy memories of Purley Way, which I went to several times in 1970 (13 at time – that dates me!). Never managed to get to the bottom of the 15′ diving pool, or the top of the diving board. But a lovely day out for us adolescents on a hot summers day. Shame society and values have moved “on” since those innocent days!
Malcolm S
Keep up the good research work.
Hello Anne
We’re BBC Hereford & Worcester and our office is based right next to the River Severn and about five miles out of the city (as the crow flies) lies the old Grimley Lido site and on Malcolm Boyden’s programme, we’re looking into the history of what the Lido used to mean to people (my late mother used to tell me stories of how the wealthy would leave the city in the summer for an afternoon spent on the banks of the River Severn back in the 20’s and 30’s). Did any of your readers do this?
It’s been fourteen months since the Friends of Aldershot Lido (FOAL) formed to counter Council’s plans to fill in Britain’s largest freshwater swimming pool after the 2015 season, and turn it into a one-acre “splash pad.” Support for the group was encouraging, with 3,000 signing a petition in a matter of a few weeks, 2,500 liking the Facebook page set up to promote the Lido and 1,400 joining the “Save Aldershot Lido” Facebook group about the campaign.
FOAL has developed a very productive working relationship with Rushmoor Borough Council and many things from FOAL’s “wish list” have already been implemented: redecoration, new lockers, picnic tables, season tickets, wi-fi (limited), better publicity and an end to the practice of closing early on quiet days.
The pool will open as before for the 2016 season, and the Council working group has put a paper to cabinet proposing investment and improvements to make the venue more attractive to customers in years to come. There is a strong desire to keep the original outline of the pool intact, without ruling out the possibility of heating all or part of it.
FOAL is very grateful to the other Lidos (including Broomhill) who have helped us with advice over the last year.
Just a correction about the last lido in Derbyshire being Alfreton. There is actually still a lido in Hathersage in Derbyshire, at least it was still open as of Summer 2015 and I have no reason to believe it has closed since. The cafe attached to it – imaginatively named the Pool Cafe is a popular stop for cyclists in the Peak District and this is how I came to discover the lido.
My father (Ken Watson) was the Baths Superintendent in the 1950s, and we lived in the flat on the second floor until about 1957? It was a great place to grow up, and I and my sister more or less had the run of the place as a playground. I used to help with the slipper baths, and especially enjoyed having tea with the ex naval stoker who fired the coal boilers. I even helped the filter house hand roll the carboys of acid round to produce the chlorine for the water – pre health and safety! When older I had holiday jobs as a lifeguard at both Scarbrook Road and Purley Way Pool.
More Minehead Lido memories at:
When I was a young lad I used to go to Stowmarket Lido. but alas I moved from the area in 1957. The pool itself was closed and a housing estate now covers the area. My mother used to tell me about going to the River Rat opposite. This had been cornered off and turned into a pool. If you read the article of Stowmarket Swimming Club you will see this is mentioned. http://www.stowmarketswimmingclub.org.uk/history.asp I don’t know if you want to investigate the pool and add it to your very interesting pages. Some of the pools in the south I have known of and it is great to see them at their peak.
The Croydon pool (Scarbrook Road) was next to where I used to work in the Telephone Exchange and I remember seeing it demolished along with the Courthouse.This was further up the road which had a dome that they took down and left a load of bird droppings that followed the shape it like making a jelly. Nice to be of help
John Anstey was my father. (Central Pool Reading). Our whole family has many fond memories of the pool. We’ll be sad to see it go. Thanks for publishing this as it’s brought back happy memories.
When I was at Kings Norton Girls Grammar, in the early 60s, the Lido at Bournville was used by us during the summer term and was quite often very cold! I think the boys Grammar used it on different days.
Used to go here in the 70s (Granville Road Baths Willesden). A sad loss. There was also an old victorian pool at Kensal Rise with the cubicals around the poolside.
hi,the area where the Birmingham Kent Street baths stood..there was 2,large swimming baths..all the land is now a huge car park..very sad..would lov to see any film footage of the baths photos..or any pics,outside..of the streets outside. the baths..regards..christy
remember the baths in Scarbook Road very well.
Earls Court is/was a Great Exhibition Centre through and through. When its gone it’ll be just memory.
I remember there were two big floating rafts we used to climb onto on Hampstead Ponds and if enough people got on to one side it used to tip up in the air causing anyone on the high side to slide to the lower side then everyone would slide into the water and the raft would fly across the water and slap hard down on the water great fun unless you happened to be in the water when it came crashing down on you or if you were trying to get on the raft just when it tilted up and everyone fell on you you had to try and swim down and away from all those kicking legs I bet health and safety have put a stop to that! but it was great FUN something we are not allowed to have these days
I remember when the queues on a hot summers day stretched from the Baths , all the way up Woodcock Street and round the corner.
The waiting time was for approx. an hours swim. The colour of the wrist band determined when your time was up, and another batch from the queue were allowed in.
I do my shopping there! I just didn’t realise the history I am walking over. Brilliant! Lancaster Cable Street Swimming Baths ? wow!
Feel very privileged to have these medals on my website – Lime Grove Baths. Thank you John
One of my favorite memories of Minehead Lido, where we used to go while renting a chalet at Dunster Beach for 12 years running (1954-1966), was a gala one year. The memory I have is of a troupe of young women dancing like the Rockettes, singing “My Boy Lollipop”. It was wonderful!
Both my grandfather and father were members. I have my grandfather’s medal commemorating the opening of the Lime Grove baths with the following inscription: “Opening of Public Baths LIME GROVE, 7th November, 1907. H.B.C. Staff Race, E.W. Francis”
I want to say how interesting your project on lidos is. It will make a great book. Here is the pool I went to as a child: http://www.hilsea-lido.org.uk/ Such wonderful memories!
I remember the Gala Baths! It was a big part of my childhood in the 50’s and 60’s. I was the eldest of the ‘Newbold Family’, well known in swimming circles in the Midlands at that time. I remember jumping off the top board as a small, curly haired 3 year old I think, and swimming the whole length of the pool to the amazement of the spectators. This was pictured in The Chronicle the next week!
My Dad Tommy Newbold, a local Hairdresser in the town, used to teach the youngsters for many years at the Bath’s swimming club, before he migrated to Australia about 30 years ago.
I also remember the local dances there in the winter for the teenagers where we used to go on a Friday night, and yes, we had to be home by 10.30!
I’m loving looking at this site, brings back many memories. Thank you, Keep it up!
I recently watched a film on BBC2 called Hindle Wakes which was made in 1952 and features a long sequence shot at this pool. 08/08/13
Thank you David. I’ll look into this and perhaps other”surfers” will look out for this film” Much appreciated and very interesting to hear! concerning Blackpool South Shore Swimming Coliseum
Apologies accepted Larry! Thank you for your eagerness to make sure facts are correct.
Very useful to have a place on the web for lost Lido’s. Thanks. However, I noticed this post:
Your entry on “This lively Lido”, was just called “The Lido”. Not really that important, but please can you get the name of the town correct! It was built in Ramsgate – not Margate. Dreamland had NO connection with the Ramsgate Lido. thanks.
Apologies, I just noticed my grave mistake re: https://www.lostlidos.co.uk/category/kent/ comments. Obviously an error, I was thinking of “The Ramsgate – Marina Bathing Pool”.
Here is one links: http://www.kenthistoryforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=6005.0
Perhaps you can add this to your list.
Regarding Scours Lane Lido Reading.
“…The Lido had a marked off safe area for children to bathe and would have happy memories for many children from the Norcot Estates during the 40’s and 50’s…” writes Mr S.Gold of Reading. (sent via letter)
Thank you. There is a Twitter feed on this site. Nice to hear from you
Hi there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok.
I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.
I have been following your website for some time now and watched it grow from strength to strength, keep up the good work Anne!
Good write-up. I certainly appreciate this website. Continue
the good work!
I remember my mother telling me that the Harlesden open air Swimming baths stayed open all night as it had been very hot during the day and into the evening.
I don`t know what date that was.
Lovely to hear Carol. The Newbolds were my sister Olwen and brother-in-law Tom, and actually taught ME to swim when I was 4 years old! (in the Gala Baths)
I was taught to swim by the Newbolds in the West Bromwich new baths
I loved the old baths (Gala Baths) and the ornate brass and wood on the doors of the changing rooms.
Oulton Broad lido still exists today.
It’s not been used as a swimming pool for some years but was used by surfers when they installed some water stream in it.
It can be seen from Google maps.
My last visit to the site of the Lido it was still disguised within surrounding trees and very overgrown. I’ll check if the remains have been removed
Read here Open for summer
Oliver Merrington of http://www.lidos.org.uk
Outstanding story there about Malvern Park Lido? What occurred after? Thanks!
I don’t really remember the Purley way Lido as I moved to Wallington in 1977. But a friend remembers it well as a young child and has told me stories about how she used to visit it during school holidays. Going by the photos on this site it looked a really amazing pool. I came from East London and we had a lido in Victoria park which also has now sadly gone like many of the open air lidos. I think Tooting is still open. In my area of Bethnal Green we also had indoor swimming venues like York hall and Haggerston baths which were open in the early part of the 1900’s. They are still there I think but now they are sports centre’s with not only a pool but also gyms etc and other activities. I know that the old Purley lido is now a Wyevales but the diving board is still there.
I lived there in Smethwick from age 5 to age 12. That would be 1954 to 1951. My dad Jim Salt was the Baths Superintendant at Rolfe Street and Deputy of the Smethwick Baths Department. I remember well the Post Office across the road because the parcel vans (Morris Minors) all had rubber wings to cut the cost of repairs.
Bert Owen was the swimming instructor and swimming club coach while I was there.
Re Tynemouth Lido It’s nice to see pictures of it again showing the views from the cliff walkway I used to take our two girls there when they were little on Saturday mornings during the summer, back then it was still perfectly serviceable, but being so exposed it tended to fill with sand over and seaweed over the winters, like KM pool the council just neglected it.
Cullercoats that is mentioned is the next bay along, I remember the fisherman’s wives in traditional costumes used to sell their fish and mussels outside their cottages on stalls when I was a small boy.
“I remember this pool (Tynemouth) very well in the 60s & 70s. Usually the temperature of the water never got past 52 degrees Fahrenheit. The summer of ’76 was the exception, it was positively warm from June to September. Great memories.
I remember a Town Swimming Gala probably 1966 or 67 when a girl got into difficulties. A teacher from Linskill School dived in fully clothed to rescue this girl. I think the teacher was called Mr Lee. Memories!
A terrible shame this pool is in the state its now in, thanks to North Tyneside Council.” Michael Hammill.
Sharon joined the site – she has found out! Re Malvern Park Lido Solihull
“Used to swim there in summer – my school was next door – would love to know what happened to it.
I used to swim in this lido – Southampton Esplanade Lido – every summer
Wonderful Days wonderful memories
Do tell us more – love to hear
Fantastic website! Does running a blog like this take a
great deal of work? I have absolutely no expertise in programming
however I had been hoping to start my own blog in the near future.
Anyhow, if you have any ideas or tips for new blog owners please share.
I know this is off topic but I just had to ask.
Many thanks!
Are you aware of the lido’s that were in Nottingham, Bullwell and Carrington.
Any info would be good
Carlyon Beach – once glorious, but now??… See on u-tube. Click Link
Couldn’t resist drawing attention to this one! Thank you Jenny Landreth for your Tweet to your followers
Added to “Showtime” page
Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog!
Anne’s note: Initially cannot find specific info on Berkhamstead pool, or pin point whereabouts. Can come under many locations within the area. Little Gaddeston???
There is a link to Deer Leap on the pooling lidos page. Anyone help?
Berkhamstead Pool
Many thanks for the contact and it looks like a very interesting site.
The open air pool in Berkhamstead was certainly part of my youth in the early 60s. I even had a summer season ticket for a couple of years. When I went back to Berkhamstead about 10 years ago, there was absolutely nothing left on the site as far as I could see.
Interestingly this is only a few miles away from the Deer Leap pool in Ringshall which seems more well known. I went there a few times as well but the town pool was almost a home from home.”
Any further info?
“As a child I had happy times at the Lakenham Pool in Norwich. I started
swimming daily at Guildford Lido in 2002 mainly because of its excellent
accessibility for those with impaired mobility. I soon realised what a
treasure the place is, and in 2009 when it was facing declining visitor
numbers, it fell to me to muster the “Friends of Guildford Lido” to
“assist” the Borough Council with the outsourcing exercise. Arising from
that role I learned about the important part Guildford Lido played in the
history of Guildford and of Lidos, thus developed an interest in other Lidos
too, though unfortunately have only been able to visit a handful. I’m doing
what I can to promote Guildford Lido amongst others.”
Nottingham, where I grew up, had quite a few lidos which are all now gone. I remember going to Calverton and Highfields lidos, but there were others at Carrington, Bulwell and Papplewick. A quick google turned up picture of several of these…
Enfield Lido – http://www.francisfrith.com/uk/enfield/enfield-the-open-air-swimming-pool-c1955_e179023
Can anyone figure this out for Sam?
Hi as a child in the 50s i used to catch frogs and newts in an old Lido it was blue brick with steps going down and an outlet pipe. It was situated behind St Mary’s Church Selly Oak Birmingham in fields between Lodge Hill Road and Weoley Park Road. I was wondering if you had any information on this. If so i would be very grateful to hear from you.many thanks Sam.